Wednesday, March 23, 2011

how different between girlfriend and wife

how different between girlfriend and wife
-  I have been in the same relationship, with the same man for 11 years Feb 8. We are not married, we are committed. It has not been easy, trust me. Settling down and having babies is not my personality - I am independent, autonomous and he respects that. I have never dreamed of the “white wedding”. I do agree that you will hear men say "she's not the marrying type?" What? Because I do not desire to be barefoot and pregnant (trust me not even a tick let alone a tock in this clock!)? Because I do not do your laundry? Because I may be out doing my own thing instead of waiting up for you?

I think what defines an amazing relationship is what matters. And that does not mean that you are "two halves of the same whole", or that "he completes you"! No! It means that you are two whole healthy individuals who, when together, are stronger, and when with that person you are challenged to be the best YOU you can BE.

Most guys I know will date anyone attractive. I think the difference between a girlfriend and a wife is that the wife is someone you know you can deal with conflict with, have a genuine love and respect for and think you can tackle 40-60 years worth of problems with and still come out on the other side loving each other.
I think dating and then being in a committed relationship are ways people evaluate whether or not their potential partner fits these criteria.

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